

Dreams: divine messages or brilliant illuminations of 'another' world? Or again: simple escapes from the reality of everyday life where there is increasingly less space for the marvellous?


I am very often intrigued by my dreams. I see in them secret symbols from which I would love – like many other people over the ages – to be able to grasp their alchemy, phantasmagoric and complex, in order to better understand myself.


My dreams – daytime visions or nightmares – play a major role in the elaboration of my pictorial creations: places of transition between the macrocosm and the microcosm, in the interspace of the mysteries of life, where I find my primordial source of inspiration and where I renew the images of my imagination: hence the multiplicity of my ideas and the media techniques (collage, rubbing, scraping, staining, imprinting...) which enable the translation or intensification or their visionary qualities, between the past, the present and the future.


  1. More
    Dreams II, 2012

    Dreams II, 2012

  2. More
    Dreams I, 2012

    Dreams I, 2012

  3. More
    Dreams, 2011

    Dreams, 2011